Here are frequently asked questions for shop.


Here are details about faqs

  • Use of Banners for Advertising
    When instructors advertise their courses on SNS, etc., please download and use the "Advertising Banner" from the below. Diversion of images from sites other than "Advertising Banner" (copyright belongs to earthvillage) is strictly prohibited by law. Also, please note that if you modify the image of the "Advertising Banner" or use it for purposes other than advertising for courses held at earthvillage, it will be treated as a violation of the terms of use.

  • About Copyrights
    At earthvillage, we stipulate that it is necessary to comply with portrait rights and intellectual property rights for content used in course postings/held contents (including teaching materials, images, music, and copyrighted works on the earthvillage site). Please refer to each agreement for details. Permission from the rights holder/publisher may be required when holding a course for reading/playing/displaying copyrighted material. Please be sure to confirm that the guidelines of each place are followed, make necessary inquiries, and hold the course after paying attention to whether there is any problem in using it. The instructors themselves will be responsible for any damage caused by acts that infringe portrait rights and intellectual property rights, so please be careful and adjust the course content.
  • Path to Holding Courses
    1. Register as an Instructor
    First, register your profile as an instructor. Among the registration items, you will be required to submit documents and other information to verify your identity. Once you have submitted the required documents and all registration details have been verified, you will receive an approval notice from the village office (management) and your registration as instructoris complete.
    2. Register your Courses
    Next, register the courses you wish to hold. Follow the instructions on the registration page to complete and submit the form. If there are no problems with the content, you will receive an approval notice from the village office (management) and your course will be posted.
    3. Advertise
    Use SNS and various bulletin boards to advertise your course to people who might be interested in your course. Writing a column related to your course content in the chat forum Teahouse "earthvillage" with its course URL and posting the same column on SNS is very effective as both are subject to SEO. If you wish to use a handle for your activities in the village, it is effective to open an SNS account with the same handle and make an announcement to increase awareness among students and encourage them to visit the page where the course is posted. Please refer to "Banner Usage" for details on the use of banners.
    4. Receive Orders
    If you need to adjust the date and time due to unavoidable circumstances, please contact the participant directly as soon as possible to discuss the matter, make arrangements to meet his/her request as much as possible, and notify the village office of the results of the adjustment. If there are items to be prepared in advance, we also recommend that you inform the participants of the details as soon as possible.
    5. On the Day of the Course
    Please make the connection as agreed and wait for the participants at least 10 minutes before the appointed time.
    6. End of the Course
    After you greet the participants at the end of the course, ask them to submit a review (what they thought of the course). Writing a review will also grant them some "Fun Rewards", so let them know at the end of the course. By receiving lots of feedback, you will be able to make your courses more sophisticated and enjoyable, and it will also help those who are considering taking your courses in the future.
    7. Check your Commissions
    Make sure that the prescribed commissions have been added to your account. Please refer to "About Commissions" for a detail explanation of rates and payments.
  • About Commissions
    You will receive a commission when you organize a course at earthvillage. A predetermined rate calculated based on 60% of the total participation fee paid by participants will be paid to instructoras commission.
    1. Time of payment
    The amount invoiced by the end of each month will be paid by the 15th of the following month by the predetermined method.
    2. Payment method
    If the total amount of payment (invoice amount) is less than 20,000 yen, you can choose to carry over the amount to the next month, use an Amazon gift certificate for the region of your choice, or pay by earthvillage Fun Reward. If you choose to pay at Fun Reward, you will receive an additional 5% of the total amount of your payment as an extra bonus.
    If your total payment is 20,000 yen or more, you can choose to pay by bank transfer (for residents of Japan only), PayPal, carry over to the next month, Amazon gift certificate for the region of your choice, and earthvillage Fun Reward. If you choose to pay at Fun Reward, you will receive an additional 5% of your total payment as an extra.
    3. Bonus Commission
    earthvillage Certificafied Senior instructors will always receive 5% more commission than the standard.
    Commission rates increase to 65% when cumulative sales exceed 100,000 yen, 70% of the standard when sales exceed 500,000 yen, 75% when sales exceed 1 million yen, and up to 80% when sales exceed 5 million yen, regardless of instructor category.
    *Individual users may use the service free of registration and posting fees (corporate users must consult with us separately), but will be charged a separate fee for connection support and interpretation services in their course.
    *Bonus commissions will not be applied in the event that there is a history of late arrivals, cancellations, violations of the terms and conditions, or complaints from students.
  • About Certified Seniors
    Those instructors who have been certified by the village office (management) of earthvillage through the prescribed training course or audition can work as "Certified Senior" instructors. As an "Certified Senior", you will be able to participate in preferential commission, participate in exchange opportunities with other instructors for consultation and collaboration, and receive preferential excerpts from earthvillage for advertisements and other materials. The course will also be more credible, so participants will feel more confident in attending the course.
  • What You Can Do to Prevent Claims
    If a participant makes a complaint after the course ends, it will be subject to a refund unless the instructor's legitimacy can be reliably proven. Most of the content of the complaints is the instructor's attitude and abusive language, and the content that the participants feel slandered, so please check well in advance whether there is any content or attitude that slanders the participants during the course. Some meeting tools can be recorded, so keeping the recording for one week, which is the complaint acceptance period, is also an option. However, it is strictly prohibited by the terms of use to disclose the recorded content to other places or to use screenshots etc. for purposes other than verification when responding to complaints. Please be careful to store the recordings strictly and be sure to delete them after one week.
  • About the Guidance Email to the Participants after Receiving the Order
    When a participant places a booking order, you will receive an automatic email from the system to your registered email to inform you of the reservation details. Since it is preferable to use the same email address as the registered address for communication with participants, we recommend that you obtain and register a dedicated email address to be used as an instructor in advance. As soon as you receive the booking order notification, please send a thank you email to the participants, as well as information on how to access the course and what to prepare. (Please refer to the email template below.) Participants' email addresses are displayed in "Customer Details" in "Bookings" from "Booking Dashboard" on the instructor management screen. Please strictly manage the personal information of participants in accordance with the rules. (It is also the responsibility of the instructor to promptly encourage the use of handle names by participants who may be connected using their real names during group lessons.) If you use the personal information of the participants for purposes other than contacting each other regarding the course, you will be subject to legal action, as well as cancellation of the instructor's account and refusal of re-registration. Thank you for your understanding and for complying with the rules.
    [Information Email Template]
    Dear (participant name),
    Hello! My name is (instructor handle name) and I am in charge of (course name).
    Thank you very much for your booking for (course name).
    Below is the information for the day.
    -----Access Information-----
    (Accurate information such as the access URL of the meeting tool used such as Zoom, Skype, etc.)
    -----What to Prepare-----
    (Concisely describe matters that require preparation and homework)
    Well then, I look forward to meeting you.
    If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reply to this email.
    Thank you,
    earthvillage instructor (instructor handle name)
  • Seniors (Instructors) Terms